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Is Flutter a Productive Platform for Startup App Development?

Are you curious to know more about flutter or exploring a reliable cross-platform framework for your startup app development? Don’t worry; this article might help you learn about Flutter app development and how it can efficiently improve your experience through…

Hire App Development Team for Your Next Project

How much does it cost to hire a team of app developers? This is the first question that comes to your mind when you think of developing a new app for your business. The question is legitimate and there’s nothing bad about it. But, before you start thinking about the cost of hiring a developer, don’t you think you should first care about how to hire app development team that’s good at anything?

Blazor the Future of Web Development – Quick Guide

JavaScript has been among the top ten programming languages since 2000. It is because most web developers rely on Javascript for web development. However, there is a continuous decline in its popularity; it has fallen from the fourth position to…

The Growth of SaaS – How It Got Widespread?

Everything that gets widespread and popular always has a history of strange developments! Same is the story of SaaS market growth. Its foundation was laid in the 1960s and since then it has covered the journey of failures, innovations, and…

Which strategies to adopt to minimize IoT risks

Do you know in early March this year, one of the most widespread cyber attacks took place in modern history. But you might wonder, how did the hackers do it? They pulled it by hacking into the 50,000-Verkada security cameras.…

5 Ways to Overcome Struggle to Learn Code

The popularity of software and Apps have pushed millions of students to seek their future in this field. While doing so, they pursue a Computer Sciences (CS) degree, and that’s when they face a struggle to learn code. As a…

How to Become a LAMP Stack Developer

Becoming an expert of Linux, Apaches, MySQL, and PHP to create impressive web apps is lucrative without a doubt. All these web languages are packed together into LAMP, the most common solution stacks for popular applications. But how to become…