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The Ins And Outs Of An eCommerce Upgrade

Thanks to a world in which technology is quite literally changing every moment of every single day, seven years of stagnancy renders an application nearly ancient. When one client came to us with the task of moving his PHP-based eCommerce application…

Content IS King (But Don’t Forget These Factors, Either)

There have been numerous articles published that focus on the value of creating good content for websites. In the modern framework, content truly is king. Something not as commonly discussed, however, is that good content can be made great. More…

4 Shocking Facts About Offshore Programming Companies

As with all aspects of life, reputations run the world. Sometimes they're warranted, sometimes they're way off but they are always in a state of flux. Such is the case for the modern offshore programming company. The offshore programming companies…

Don’t Let YOU Get In The Way Of Your Success

Perhaps you have a crack team of ivy league individuals; maybe you're lucky enough to be in the company of proven industry professionals; you could have seven of the brightest interns the local college has to offer at your disposal.…

Without Improvement, There Is No Future

Just six years after the introduction of the World Wide Web to the public, vteams was founded. For the more than twenty years vteams has been in business, we've seen the tech industry soar, crumble and innovate. Our time is…

What Makes a Good Software Engineer?

Ask anyone what they’re looking for in a developer and you’ll hear software engineer characteristics, everything from the possession of a gifted technological sense to a solid organizational ability. If you ask anyone what they are looking for in a…

3 Ways vteams Is Unlike Any Other Programming Company

As we've alluded in our piece on "Faster, Better, Cheaper" programming, programming companies don't always have the best of reputations. One of our goals has always been to blow this stigma into tiny pieces, our work quality and communication speaking…