Hire Ruby on Rails Developers

We have a pool of expert Ruby on Rails developers available on part-time, full-time, and project basis.

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Ahsan Ghias

Ruby On Rails Developer

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Hamza Shamshad

Ruby On Rails Developer

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Wasif Saeed

Ruby On Rails Developer

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Muhammad Mubeen

Ruby On Rails Developer

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Faheem Qazi

Ruby On Rails Developer

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Shahzad Saeed

Ruby On Rails Developer

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Salman Bashir

Ruby On Rails Developer

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Ammad Jahangir

Ruby On Rails Developer

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Mudassar Husnain

Ruby On Rails Developer

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Muhammad Madni

Ruby On Rails Developer

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Muhammad Adil

Ruby On Rails Developer

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Salman Riaz

Ruby On Rails Developer

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Muneeb ur Rehman

Ruby On Rails Developer

Our Clients

Our Clients

Hire Remote Offshore Ruby on Rails Developers in 48 Hours

We have Ruby on Rails offshore developers for hire with various skills and can excel in many different areas. So it’s a good idea to learn about the various roles within RoR before hiring Ruby On Rails developers. Discover how versatile, skilled, and experienced our Ruby on Rails developers are.

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Top Ruby On Rails Developers Trusted by Fortune 500 Companies

We will pair you with Ruby On Rails developers who are smart, driven, and responsive. We’ve made it easier for you to find quality engineers and consultants. With us, you can hire ruby on rails developers, experts, consultants, and QA gurus within 48 hours.

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Ahsan Ghias

Ruby On Rails Developer

Ahsan Ghias has excellent expertise with Ruby on Rails and other languages including HTML.








Bugs Fixing

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Home 41

Hamza Shamshad

Ruby On Rails Developer

Hamza Shamshad excels in a number of skills related to Ruby on Rails. He is a terrific problem solver.





Bugs Fixing

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Home 41

Wasif Saeed

Ruby On Rails Developer

Wasif Saeed is a Principal Software Engineer with expertise in RoR. He also has experience with Development, Designing, and Integration of code.








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Muhammad Mubeen

Ruby On Rails Developer

Mubeen is an excellent resource of Ruby on Rails. He likes to take challenges and goes about things in a positive manner.




React JS


React Redux

React Native

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Faheem Qazi

Ruby On Rails Developer

Faheem Qazi is a dedicated RoR developer specializing in developing full-stack web applications using practical frameworks.







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Home 41

Shahzad Saeed

Ruby On Rails Developer

Shahzad is a highly skilled and professional RoR developer who enjoys writing code that others can understand and follow.





React JS


React Native

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Home 41

Salman Bashir

Ruby On Rails Developer

Salman is a genius problem solver and boasts an extensive portfolio of finished professional products.




React JS


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Home 41

Ammad Jahangir

Ruby On Rails Developer

Ammad Jahangir is a passionate RoR developer with hands-on expertise in other development frameworks as well. He has worked on multiple international projects.


Node JS



React Native

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Home 41

Mudassar Husnain

Ruby On Rails Developer

Mudassar believes in adopting the best practices in any project he works in. He specializes in RoR and other related tech stacks.




React JS


Ruby on Rails

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Home 41

Muhammad Madni

Ruby On Rails Developer

Madni likes to work on RoR projects with a slight degree of complexities to challenge the creative genius in him.






React Native

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Home 41

Muhammad Adil

Ruby On Rails Developer

Adil loves the detail and deep understanding that comes from intense focus and work on RoR development projects.





React JS


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Home 41

Salman Riaz

Ruby On Rails Developer

Salman possesses significant experience in RoR and related tech stacks. He is a passionate developer with amazing technical knowledge.





React JS


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Process To Hire vteams

Choose from an extensive range of resources available for all stacks and services.


Interview your resources to get an idea of their skills and capabilities and see who suits you best.


Once you have chosen your desired resources, now is the time to hire them in your team.

Process To Hire vteams
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Choose from an extensive range of resources available for all stacks and services.

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Interview your resources to get an idea of their skills and capabilities and see who suits you best.


Once you have chosen your desired resources, now is the time to hire them in your team.

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How We Select The Best
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It’s All About Expertise 

It is important to review the experience and complexity of the products built by the developers in the past. The introductory call is given to those who have worked on end-to-end projects and displayed depth.
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Enthusiasm & Communication

Communication skills are tested over the phone. This allows us to better understand the candidate’s technical experience and motivation to work remotely.
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Technical Expertise

During one or more face-to-face interviews, the developer’s involvement and performance are assessed. By doing so, the platform is set up to explore technology-specific topics in more depth.
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Problem-solving Skills

A skill-specific test measures designers’ mental agility and problem-solving abilities. In addition, live evaluations, and timed performance tests are also used.

Why vteams

We build quality-rich Ruby on Rails solutions in minimal time with 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Our Ruby On Rails experts hold top-of-the-line expertise in MVC architecture, jQuery OOP concepts, and JSON standards as well as all RoR versions from 2.0 to 7.0.

In addition, our engagement models are flexible. Programmers are highly skilled. Their communication skills are excellent. 100% secure code authorization will be provided to you. Your business idea will be protected by an NDA, and the team will work according to your time zone.

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The Ideas We’ve Turned Into Reality

Our customers come from a variety of sectors, including Technology, Banking, Finance, Healthcare, Education, Retail, Industrials, eCommerce, Agriculture, ITES, FMCG, Media & Entertainment, and more.

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    Jovian Digital Solutions
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    Funai Corporation
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    OrthoCare on Demand
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    Fhetch LLC
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    BeRemote LLC
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    DH Wine Compliance
You Will Benefit From Working With Us

Certified Developers

Periodic Reporting

No Time Zone Limitations

Deadline Adherence

No Hidden Costs

Fully Dedicated Resources

Certified Developers

Deadline Adherence

No Time Zone Limitations

Fully Dedicated Resources

Periodic Reporting

No Hidden Costs

ROR Developers' Expertise

Highly Expert RoR Developers to Take Your Project Forward

Our Ruby on rails developer for hire delivers the best solutions after evaluating your project. As soon as our team receives your detailed request, we will assist you. It is requested to include all the necessary information to understand the best ways to complete the gaps fully. Feel free to reach out if you’re not sure what we might need to know.

We are always hiring expert Ruby On Rails developers, so we can provide advice and connect you with them. If you have specific skills and experience requirements, as well as what are the responsibilities of your position, please let us know. We’ll keep you posted on the screening processes. If you have any additional questions or requests, please let us know right away so we can provide the best solution.

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In our interview, we ensure your satisfaction with the allocated resource; you can inquire about anything and have a healthy discussion to plan everything. It won’t take long for your new team member to become familiar with the new project and in-house colleagues. Essentially, we facilitate connections and facilitate communication. After this part is completed, the hard work can begin.

Seamless Communication and Management

We are familiar with the changes occurring during development or between milestones. Our flexible contracts allow us to adapt according to your project needs that are flexible enough to make new collaborations. We’ve taken care of almost every detail, and our developers are ready to begin working on your project. Adding our remote developers to your development process will be easy. With vteams, everything from management to communication is at the top.

Thorough Attention to Project Details

Your business idea is important to us, and our developers are interested in achieving your goals as well. We are always working to support your team at vteams. Management, accounting, and everything else needed to keep our collaboration productive can be handled by us. No matter what your project is, we are here to assist you in finding Ruby On Rails developers and working with them to complete it.

Developer Alignment with Business Goals

With the growth of your business, you need a few changes timely. Our flexible contractual policy adapts to the basic needs that are always open to new collaborations. We maintain our expert development team to lead your project according to your needs. The same applies if you would need another developer as a result of, for instance, a change in technology. As a remote development team provider, vteams offers flexible and scalable solutions.

What is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails, often shortened to Rails, is an open-source web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and emphasizes convention over configuration, which means that developers can focus on writing business logic instead of spending time on tedious configuration tasks.

Rails provides a set of tools and libraries for building web applications, including tools for handling HTTP requests and responses, interacting with databases, managing user authentication and authorization, and generating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. Rails also includes a scaffolding feature that can generate boilerplate code for common application components, such as models, controllers, and views.

Rails has a strong community and an extensive ecosystem of plugins and gems that developers can use to extend its functionality. It is often used to build high-traffic, data-intensive web applications, such as social networking sites, e-commerce platforms, and content management systems.

What do subdirectory app/controllers and app/helpers do?

App/controllers help find controller classes and are responsible for handling user requests. App/helper holds helper classes that assist controller, model, and view classes.

What is the garbage collector’s purpose in Ruby on Rails?

Garbage collection is to free up memory to speed up other processes. It helps removing pointer values, removing inaccessible objects from the memory and other related tasks.

Qualities of a good Ruby On Rails developer

What separates a good Ruby on Rails developers from novice ones? You might be wondering this when you go to hire ruby developers. To set things straight we have made a list of skills that you can assess in a candidate

Efficiency in database

Every mobile/web app needs a database, and our Ruby on Rails developers are familiar with the top most important databases. As part of our team training, we have taught them how to write through Active Record to manage downfalls.

Mastery in Essential Skills

You don’t want a ruby on rails developer who is not an expert and knows all from basic to advanced concepts. Being well versed and expert means they should have complete command over their domain. If you hire Ruby on Rails developers then they should know how to work with MVC frameworks, APIs, forms, and building front-end and backend.

Front-end and back-end development

To build an eye-catching software interface that engages users is a must have. In order to build such interfaces when you hire developer ruby on rails, test their front-end development skills. HTML, CSS, JavaScript and a preprocessor for CSS like Sass are the most important skills they should know. 

What will a beautiful front-end do without a proper backend and database? If the backend code is bulky or lags the front-end cannot serve its purpose fully, i.e. giving values to users. RoR is one of the most used languages for web development because of its ease of use. Writing clean, scalable, and robust code as well as optimizing database queries are the most important skills for backend ruby rails developers.

Communication skills

Software development is a collaborative process where the developer has to connect with different teams, clients, and sometimes with other departments like design. In order to have effective and productive collaboration the developers should have clear communication skills. Having communication and collaboration skills will save everyone’s time and will require less effort to get the required results.

We have Experts in RoR Strategy & Implementation

Make sure your product performs seamlessly by implementing a pre-defined testing strategy. We have a successful customer-centric record with the help of our QA professionals, who ensure efficiency in their performance and project implementation to lead businesses. Our goal is to deliver robust software on time.

Features of Ruby on Rails that can help you

RoR is a highly efficient and easy to use language. The biggest benefit is rapid development with less effort. On top of that, it is one of the most in demand web development frameworks that works on top of Ruby. Working with Ruby saves you a lot of time, gives support for maintenance and testing, the code is highly scalable, software you write in RoR is secure and with large community developers never have to worry. 

If you are a business owner searching whether you should hire ruby on rails developers or not, then your search ends here. The answer is yes you should, and if you are looking to hire then there is no better place than vteams. Either your business is eCommerce, health, or one that requires high security like banking software’s, RoR is a good choice for all. 

KPIs of a good RoR team?

You might be wondering what are the ways you can measure the performance and skills of a team when you hire offshore. Here are some of the KPIs that can be used as a guide for measuring the performance of your teams. This way you would know where to improve and whether you need to expand the team or not. 

Results the team is producing is the first thing you should take note of. Firstly, whether or not the expected goals are met on time. Second, whether or not the completed tasks and goals are the way they were intended to. Then you can validate the work process. One of the important factors that is often ignored is the quality of code. Ideally the code should be robust, meaning as few bugs and loopholes as it could have, and scalable. 

Specifically for RoR developers, you can analyze if they can integrate your app with APIs, third-party apps, and plugins. Whether they have hands-on experience with consuming third-party apps, CRMs, payment gateways etc,.

Important features of RoR

RoR is a diverse language with many important features. Some of them are as below:

  • Meta-programming is a technique which allows a program to analyze and modify other programs as well as itself and while running. RoR is one of the most used and in-demand languages for meta-programming.
  • Active Record is an architectural pattern that is used for in-memory object data storage and relational databases storage. Expert Ruby on Rails consultants use meta-programming for auto connection to the domain objects.
  • Scaffolding is staging and RoR can generate scaffolding code automatically. However, unlike other programming languages it does not require additional configuration if the naming conventions are up to the standard.
  • Development standards, by default it provides three development environments, namely: testing, development, and production.
  • Support for Testing is built in. developer ruby on rails can easily write and execute tests. 

Is Ruby a flexible language?

Yes, RoR is a flexible language. It does not restrict programmers and allows them to freely change, delete, update or amend parts of the language. For instance, you can add two numbers by using the “+”, a.k.a. the plus sign. In short, ruby on rails has many possibilities and freedom.

What is the use of “load” and “required” RoR?

Both are used for the purpose of loading at hand code into current code. Ruby on Rails experts suggest using “required” if you would be using autoload, and use “load” when the code will be altered when the URL is visited.

Note: hiring with vteams does not require you to be a subject matter expert so hiring Ruby developers becomes easier for you.

Hire a Ruby on Rails Developer with vteams

The process of hiring a RoR developer for your business can be time-consuming. Even though it is the most in-demand skill in the market today, finding a good developer is not easy.

We are here to help anyone in need of Ruby on Rails developers. Let’s explore competitive resources on our platform to uplift your company’s position compared to competitors. Hiring from us will benefit you in the following ways:

Comprehensive domain knowledge

We at vteams have a diverse range of developers with an in-depth knowledge of domain to ensure smooth project delivery without any complexity. It is in the list of criteria to choose a Ruby On Rails developer for the creation of your website.

Explore a developer from vteams who is expert in Ruby On Rails platform with enough experience of web development. You can hire a Ruby On Rails developer after evaluating all the expertise and decide whether it is a good fit or not.

Efficiency in database

Every mobile/web app needs a database, and our Ruby on Rails developers are familiar with the top most important databases. As part of our team training, we have taught them how to write through Active Record to manage downfalls.

Integration to Ruby On Rails

We build an engaging user experience with Ruby On Rails to enhance the performance of your website. Integrate your app with APIs, third-party apps, and plugins to modernize your online presence and generate income. We specialise in consuming third-party apps, CRMs, payment gateways, and BI systems for your applications.

Customized Ruby On Rails Development

If you want to create an eCommerce store with Ruby On Rails then our Ruby On Rails developers are expert in advanced website development procedures. Customizing your website to your exact specifications is possible. Due to the use of trending Ruby On Rails frameworks, your website will provide a better user experience.

RoR Logo on vteams.com

Migration to Ruby On Rails

You can transform your legacy store built on outdated technology to an advanced website with up-to-date features. We use Ruby On Rails components and ensure a smooth migration. In a timely manner, you will achieve the results you desire.

Hear About Us from Our Clients
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My first impression with vteams was the sound structure, great services at an incredibly lower price!
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You Probably Have Questions
You Probably Have Questions

Undergo the following frequently asked questions to obtain any info concerning various aspects of our company, products,
and services. For queries not included here, feel free to contact us.

If you talk about vteams, our charges are market competitive. The total cost of hiring a developer may vary depending on the scope of the project, expertise and experience of the developer.

This is a basic Rails feature. Rails Controller helps model, view, and user interact. It handles URLs. It helps with session and module regulation.

  • Experience Ruby on Rails and other libraries like Resque and RSpec
  • Familiar with server-side template languages like Slim and Liquid
  • Basic knowledge of front-end technology, including JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML 5
  • Experience in integrating numerous data sources and databases into a single system
  • Should implement computerised testing platforms and unit tests
  • Knowledge of continuous integration

vteams does not compromise on quality. If you feel any problem during the process, our customer handling team will replace the resource on an immediate basis.

vteams is programmed to hire ROR programmers within a few matters of days. Our automated vetting process connects expert resources with the client within 2 – 4 days.

Click on the ‘Hire ROR developer’ button, fill out the survey, and you will find the best resource within one minute.

We are not here to charge repetitively during the development phase; our business development team involves a transparent business model that shows the total development cost.

We have a diverse number of teams that are available according to the same schedule as your local team. We are aligned to utilize multiple paid tools to collaborate within the same time zone.

Technologies We Use

Work with the programming language that suits your business system. Regardless of your needs or existing tech stack, we remain flexible.