Making lean web pages is not only suggested but needed as well for a number of reasons. It helps boost the page's speed, enhances usability, and allows the page to rank better in search rankings as well. One such tool you can have to create lean webpages is Svelte by JavaScript. Read on to explore.
What is Svelte JS used for? Is it better than React? Is anyone using this framework for developing JavaScript apps? What is the Svelte framework in reality?
It is kind of strange to implement a bodybuilding analogy when a person already has good muscle mass. If done the same thing to websites, it loses both their mobility and agility. The bulkier a web page is, the bulkier it takes its toll on the servers and internet connections. However, if a webpage is lean, everything will load in a snap of a finger.
A regular webpage is about the size of 2 MB which is easily downloadable on a regular internet connection. However, not all of us are blessed with a good internet connection. Even if you have a decent internet connection, it’s capped for sure.
Each user wants speed. Speedier websites, applications, or anything which is engaging on the internet is high in demand. These days it’s all about the look and feel of web apps and nothing else. Aesthetically pleasing is what’s required. But for this to be accomplished, web pages are becoming heftier than normal mainly due to bulkier graphics (especially homepages/landing pages). This means that if the web pages are aesthetically pleasing their loading becomes slower.
Alright, let’s assume the user is loyal and decides to stay on your website for a couple more seconds. Forgoing Google’s factual statement about a user exiting a website after 3 seconds of loading time…
If the webpage has loaded and some of the graphical content is still underway then this particular webpage is going to eat through your 4G connection.
Sounds like a problem to you right?
So, what’s the solution?
Here we discuss the uses of Svelte JS, a framework for developing JavaScript apps efficiently.
Enter Svelte!
It might be hard for you to pronounce Svelte, but it doesn’t matter because this Javascript framework will get the job done for you.
Did you know that the Svelte framework can build a responsive website within 30 minutes? Svelte JS for websites, React JS for apps! This is our new motto these days!
With Svelte JS:
You code less; i.e. going from this (let i = 0; i <= 100; i += 1) { if (i % 2 === 0) { console.log(${i} is even); } } to for (let i = 0; i <= 100; i += 1) if (i % 2 === 0) console.log(${i} is even);
Svelte JS is speedier and it doesn’t use a virtual DOM.
Svelte 3 is truly reactive which means you can write aspiring applications with superior performance specialties.
The svelte framework was voted ‘the most loved framework’ in several surveys and it happened not long ago.
Do you want to know who’s using Svelte JS? Svelte framework for developing JavaScript apps is used by the following famous companies:
Les Echos
Alaska Airlines
The New York Times
One of the contributors to Svelte JS, a web developer named Shawn Wang, told how he was able to cut down 187 KB of his website to 9 KB by switching from React to the Svelte framework. That’s a WOW factor indeed!
So how is Svelte JS able to achieve this? Well, the Svelte framework works on its middle layer before the developer gets a chance to upload the code on the live web server even before a user downloads it. Any unnecessary features are removed in this process which aids apps to be faster and more efficient.
Rich Harris, the founder of this javascript framework deemed its creation tricky but for the developers; it’s easier to create websites that are efficient and lean.
The myth behind Svelte JS is that it cannot withstand heavier applications which is why there is resistance to using this framework and largely the reason why developers are sticking to react. But the Svelte framework community has confirmed that they have created apps that have a wider scope than those made on react.
Besides, with the help of Sapper (a framework out of Svelte JS), you can produce applications with high-level features such as code splitting, server-side rendering, offline support, and file-based routing. And then there’s too Svelte Native, which lets you develop native mobile applications.
Still an Adolescent: Not So Much!
Svelte JS is in the growth phase of the product life cycle. There are still a lot of tools for JavaScript and at the rate at which it is advancing, it’s tough for developers to decide what to choose. React has Facebook to back up its entirety, a vast job market, and much more.
Svelte JS is what you call an adolescent but is it really? It’s an up-and-coming framework that will take time for developers to adopt on a massive scale. However, Svelte JS is still quite competent when it comes to designing lean web apps. If the file size and performance are of great importance then Svelte should be opted for by all means.
Earth’s rich minerals are not discovered on their own by the people, the same goes for Svelte JS. The founder of Felt Social had some words to back up the Svelte framework for developing JavaScript apps saying that he chose Svelte JS for faster and more responsive applications. He further added that this framework could be a real turnaround for building a killer user interface.
The Svelte framework can be crowned for building static pages that are lean, fast, and playable for developers. But this framework is more than capable of being used for building an entire web application. Svelte 3 has been shown to produce smaller code bundles which have proven to be faster for web browsers. The advocates of Svelte JS have hinted at this framework being similar to vanilla Javascript which is why it is fun for developers to use.
Do you know anything about the SvelteKit framework for Svelte JS? The role of this kit is going to give you a full-stack application development environment. SvelteKit gives you the following innovative goods:
Code splitting
One-command static-site export
Server-side rendering
Simplified data prefetching
Client-side routing
Full-stack hot deploy (dev mode)
Final Thoughts
Other than the Svelte framework leaning down your web pages, it serves as a complete package too.
Svelte is rather new when compared to other frameworks. However, it is rich in features and you can mold it as per your project orientation.
Companies like GoDaddy, IBM, and Philips are using Svelte so you shouldn’t be doubtful!
Do you want to explore the possibilities of the Svelte framework for developing JavaScript apps?
Why don’t you hire JavaScript experts that can help design fully functional, responsive, and aesthetically pleasing mobile apps for your business?
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Aayan Arif
Content Strategist at vteams - Aayan has over 8 years of experience of working with multiple industries.