Typescript supports static writing that enables early detection of errors at the time of development; it saves from the effort of continuous error evaluation. Angular 14 is one such programming technology that has the same scripting language. It is the latest version of Angular that has changed dynamically over the years as it gets packed with the latest features with each update.
Typescript supports static writing that enables early detection of errors at the time of development; it saves from the effort of continuous error evaluation. Angular 14 is one such programming technology that has the same scripting language.
It is the latest version of Angular that has changed dynamically over the years as it gets packed with the latest features with each update.
As a matter of fact, there is a lot that one needs to learn about this new version, and this Angular 14 tutorial will reveal as it has all you need to know!
Get Started with Angular 14 Tutorials!
The latest angular version angular 14 was launched on 22 June 2022 and became preferable among developers.
Through this angular 14 tutorial, we will enlighten you about how one can easily install CLI and much more. So, why wait further? Let the fun begin!
1. How to download angular CLI 14?
Downloading angular CLI 14 expedites project development, furthermore, it smoothens the project management too.
All you need to do is to follow these steps to install angular CLI 14 successfully.
Open a new command line interface.
Enter this command
Angular CLI 14 will be installed in a matter of just a few minutes.
2. Create an Example Project
Now that you have installed Angular CLI 14, it is imperative to move to the next step!
The purpose of downloading this interface is fulfilled when you learn how to create a project using angular CLI 14. These steps will lead you the way!
Go back to the terminal.
Write and Run the following two commands
You’ll be prompted to make a choice for;
Do you want to add angular routing?
Which stylesheet format would you like to use?
This step will help set up roots as well as CSS components and services for your project.
3. How to generate components and services in angular CLI 14?
You should run the following commands to generate services and components in angular CLI 14 while setting up a project.
4. Formulation of Project Directory
Running these commands will formulate a project directory where there are different components performing different functions as explicitly discussed below.
To export the main class model , you need to run this command.
the component sends HTTP requests to the Apis.
To specify the route to each component you will need
Besides proclaiming Angular components, it also imports the required modules.
holds in the necessary imports required for a Bootstrap file.
5. Setting Up Modules
Modules are a collection of pipes, components, directives, and services and they create an app by getting merged with other modules.
However, to set up an app module you will need to take note of the following procedures;
Import from .
After importing a module you can run the command
Given below is the demonstration of how this process of importing modules will proceed.
6. How do you define routes in the Angular 14 project?
Routes define the way of navigation for users. The three major routes in angular 14 along with their respective functions have been enlisted below.
/tutorials are to access tutorial-list components.
/tutorials/:id serves the purpose of the tutorial-detail component.
/add is specified for an add-tutorial component.
The following coding method will help you out defining routes in the angular 14 project.
7. How to import Bootstrap?
Bootstrap makes a web design responsive! Sounds surreal, isn’t it? Well, the following procedure will make you aware of how you can make it possible.
Go to the project directory and run this command
Integrate angular.json bootstrap files.
Open the root configuration files of the project and enter these commands
8. How to define a model class in angular CLI 14?
Defining model class leverages alliance between various objects and systems. There are fields namely ID, title, description, and published where the models are exported.
These examples will show you how you can define the model class in angular 14.
9. How to create angular 14 components?
3 components in angular 14 correspond with 3 routes in
These methods can help you create a component in angular 14;
to submit the title and description fields of the tutorial.
This will create the following 3 components for adding new items.
These commands will create the following 3 lists of item components.
the command will use , and create these three components.
Summing it up we can say that angular 14 has been upgraded to meet the expectations of creating exemplary sites. However, learning to use every feature of it will help you do the trick in the desired way.
To make the development of functional and captivating sites a reality, we have discussed some angular 14 tutorials to ease the process.
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