• JavaScript

TypeScript VS JavaScript; What Makes the Two Different?

  • March 9, 2023
  • Muhammad Ahmad
  • POSTED ON March 9, 2023
  • POSTED BY Muhammad Ahmad

Regardless of the popularity that Javascript has earned for over the years being a scripting as well as object-oriented language, there were some gaps that were filled by the development of typescript. The thing that confuses developers is to find the answer for typescript vs javascript; which one to choose?

More than 78% of the developer’s community use Javascript and according to another report, it is used as a client-side programming language for more than 98% websites.

Regardless of the popularity that Javascript has earned for over the years being a scripting as well as object-oriented language, there were some gaps that were filled by the development of typescript.

The thing that confuses developers is to find the answer for typescript vs javascript; which one to choose?

What is the difference between Javascript and Typescript?

Javascript is a client-sided as well as server-sided programming language that was initially developed to work as an object-oriented language but as it gained popularity, developers started using it as a scripting language. 

Typescript is generally considered as a superset of Javascript because of the relatability between the two, but it has some added features that JS lacked,  which makes it unique and advanced.

Even though Javascript has powered many large and small dynamic sites and apps, it lost its scalability as it matured. Typescript on the other hand was developed by Microsoft, mainly for the purpose of handling large and complex projects. 

Typescript VS Javascript; Factors That Make them Different!

Following are some other aspects that mark the difference between typescript and javascript evident for developers.

1. Scalability

There are two angles to consider when evaluating the scalability of a technology i.e productivity and performance. Javascript takes so much time that it is required to execute the commands, whereas typescript does it more efficiently in less time. As a result, typescript scales faster than Javascript. 

2. Error Evaluation

If you are a javascript developer you might know that its error detection is unproductive and slows down performance maintenance. 

Typescript allows its users to execute functions, data types, and variables in it that leaves less room for bugs and errors. 

3. Validity

Generating codes from a third-party increases the chances of errors. Javascript validates if the information inserted by the user is correct or not. 

Typescript validates information when it is according to a particular structure and the user can rest assured that all errors can be detected during transpilation. 

4. Fixation of Typos

Apart from the internal reference typos, the third-party code reference errors are also common in javascript. They occur when there are missed punctuations, variables or wrongly spelled variables. Typescript detects the type and explains in detail about what went wrong. 

5. Comprehensive Documentation

The design-by-contract programming feature of typescript allows detailed documentation. Furthermore, this technology defines methods and properties that help in the creation of new tests, identification of breaking changes, and code analysis. 

Unlike Javascript where developers have the option JSDoc, typescript is more preferred for quality documentation.

6. Coding Structure

Coding structure is one of the major aspects to discuss when we are drawing a comparison for typescript vs javascript. Typescript is an object-oriented programming language that follows a static syntax pattern 

Moreover, its modules and interfaces are advanced by the ES6 feature. In contrast to it, Javascript developers have the ability to do dynamic scripting language but it does not offer such features.

7. Compilation

Code compilation in typescript is done by the typescript compiler that compiles data to javascript. Contrastively, Javascript does not require any compilation, all it does is to read the code, interpret it, and run it.

The reason being that it’s not a compiler language rather it’s an interpreted language in this way it saves time for the programmers. 

8. Variable Type

Javascript supports variables that are undefined which means they are loosely typed and dynamic. Whereas, in typescript the variables are static but it also supports dynamic typing. var , let and cont. are some of the keywords that define variables in typescript.

Benefits of Using Typescript 

  1. Object-oriented language with static variables. 
  2. It can efficiently work for large and intricate projects. 
  3. Just by replacing the js extension with ts, a javascript code can easily be converted to typescript. 
  4. Increase a code’s readability and understandability. 
  5. Advances ES6.

Benefits of Using Javascript 

  1. An interpreted language that does not require compilation.
  2. Scripting language with dynamic variables.
  3. Can be used for both client-side and server-side programming.
  4. Convenient for beginner javascript developers.
  5. Compatible with modern browsers.

Make a Choice! 

Despite being renowned for so many years and getting modified constantly, Javascript had some limitations. Acting upon the notion of necessity as the mother of invention, Microsoft developed a new Typescript programming language. Although it is a subset of Javascript it possesses many additional features that could cater to latest technological needs.

This javascript vs typescript debate puts developers in a dilemma, which is why we have enlisted all the points that could make the difference clear. But, the fact is that if you are already a javascript developer then having your hands on typescript won’t be a difficult task.


Muhammad Ahmad

Currently serving as the SEO Manager at vteams, Ahmed is a highly skilled individual with several years of experience of Digital Marketing.


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