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10 Tips to Create Online Training for Remote Employees

  • August 4, 2020
  • POSTED ON August 4, 2020
  • POSTED BY saadia.baloch

To lead an organization or business in a successful way, you have to take care of your employees. Companies are trying to manage remote employees with online training sessions, with remote work on the horizon. For the sound training of remote employees, you have to develop a remote training strategy for your employees. It is

To lead an organization or business in a successful way, you have to take care of your employees. Companies are trying to manage remote employees with online training sessions, with remote work on the horizon. For the sound training of remote employees, you have to develop a remote training strategy for your employees. It is the only way forward, to stay on top with work productivity.

A survey revealed that during the ongoing pandemic 88% of the organizations provided “remote work from home” to its employees. Remote work culture is becoming more and more popular with each passing day. Therefore, we have come up with some tried and tested practices.

How can you increase productivity for this with remote online training? Take a peek at the most effective practices that will help you boost employee productivity

Let’s spill the beans, shall we?

No size fits all-Train your employees remotely

If your company was already into remote work practices and online training. You are already aware of the significance of these professional trainings and how they incorporate in creating high octane work culture. It’s a make or break situation, where your employees need your attention to produce the work that will take your business sky-high.

Remote work is here to stay as a “new normal” but you need to prepare. Quarterly meetings over the zoom or group chats on Microsoft teams won’t cut it. You need to devise a remote work arrangement that will work for your employees and meets your business needs. Hence, you can follow this “way forward” to train a phenomenal workforce.

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Prepare your employees for a virtual future with remote online training

Everyone has a different understanding and a unique caliber, therefore you have to design a strategy that helps all the employees to stay motivated and productive. With the global rising trend of remote jobs and online workforce, you have to develop a remote training framework that can help you resolve organizational challenges with special focus on remote employees.

The shift from traditional training towards online training is not just a difference of physical set up and virtual tools. It includes practices, strategies, and the right use of technology to achieve maximum benefit.

Standout and transform your remote workforce with these amazing practices. Take a quick and easy glance at how you can do it with no fuss? A kickass plan that won’t make your employees fall sleep during a zoom call.

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Manage your remote employees with an online training-the new way forward

Make your move, so you don’t have to track your employees during the workweek. They will bring effective work reports on their own.

  1. You can create cost-effective online training sessions, that do not include any specific space or other costs. You just log into your zoom or Skype account and hold an online webinar.
  2. Indulge remote employees in extracurricular through online events as per your company’s culture that may include virtual book clubs, music sessions or even getting to know each other.
  3. Keep your employees focused through online competitions such as a game marathon, interactive sessions, and reward-based competition such as “who comes up with the most incredible design for an app?” That has proved to be successful, especially in boosting work productivity.
  4. Introduce a variety of learning models with flexible time, in this case, everyone can benefit and learn at their own pace. This way your employees can focus on work and stay ahead in the learning curve along with their peers without feeling left out.
  5. Remote learning exercises and online training will also provide an independent sense of confidence to your employees. Equip them with the latest tools and leverage technology to use those tools to their benefit whether personal or professional.
  6. Create new training material and convert it into files, short e-books, and informative videos. You can use the existing material to form a visual training material and make it available to your employees. Make them feel more connected and valued. A quick fun pop quiz to increase interaction, what do you think?
  7. Create a plan to schedule all the remote online trying activities and share that calendar with everyone in the company. That way they can clear out their schedule before the training. Introduce training led by this. It will be a more interpersonal and consistent activity!
  8. Set up regular remote training sessions for all teams separately and collectively. Record all those training, they can help you know your employees and design the next training accordingly.
  9. To create a sense of togetherness in the company, bring all teams on board. Next time, you can create a remote training session with your marketing department and developers. Ask them to share their challenges, solutions, and cope-up methods.
  10. On an interesting note, online and virtual training are also part of e-learning. You can introduce an online learning platform for all remote employees with the help of LMS like Accord LMS. That will enable you to provide online courses and observe the track of each employee. If you are an IT company, that’s a bonus for test-drive!

Don’t delay-build your own team remote management software

Know that whatever method you choose for their practices that may include podcasts, training sessions with teams, productivity webinars with mangers, or a workshop with THE BOSS. It ultimately boils down to what is better for your employees.

At this moment, you need to work on this. So do this now and You can create your own LMS software, conferencing tools, or maybe make a personalized software for team management. Its all for the progress of your company, to keep clear communication and a sustainable productivity rate.

Remote work or no remote work, your workforce should be prepared. Do you have any questions related to this? Discuss with vteams, we would be happy to join you in this endeavor!



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