We like good reviews. So naturally, we were thrilled with this one:
“EXCELLENT WORK! Today’s demo was exactly what we needed. I brought in our Director of Client Services to show him because I was so excited. You guys hit the nail on the head, and I really appreciate that! Keep up the good work!”
This particular testimonial was special because the project required an inordinate level of the attributes we pride ourselves on most: innovation and critical thinking.
When the solution wasn’t black and white, we thought in terms of grey.
A US-based content distribution company came to us with a seemingly simple task: creating a tool that would facilitate SEO tool, thereby tripling traffic.
When analyzing the needs of clients and developing a plan to fit their individual culture, we like to have a demographic in mind; in this case, it was the typical marketing professional. What tools does this expert need to do their job to the best of their ability? This type of foresight is a defining factor for our company.
Marketers love tools. When a position requires as much research and creativity as marketing does, anything that can cut hours spent is a god send. Search patterns reflect this trend.

With that knowledge, we developed an online interface from scratch, incorporating simple functions that would perform off-page optimization as well as social content distribution. This was no small task; it was developed using Zend Framework 1, PHP, MySQL, AJAX, jQuery tools and technologies, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Bitly, Multiply, DailyMotion, Blip, Delicious, Scribd, Issuu, Slideshare, Copyscape, and TelMetrics APIs. A bit of a mouth full.
By the end of the project, three vteams developers had not only created the aforementioned SEO tool but a sophisticated content distribution application which enabled marketers to perform multiple duties at once, cutting their time spent in half.
Though many of the above utilities hadn’t been outlined in express detail by the client, it’s our job to conceive of and create the best possible product based on the duties and tasks that our clients carry out on a daily basis.